Wednesday, September 11

Decorate Your Home with Designer Lighting

Hello dolls,

I and my boyfriend felt relatively easy when we have moved and guessed the new design of our home because we were working with a great carpenter. Key was unfold yourself!
The features of the interior rely on little bit minimalist (shining surface, black, red and white colors) and therefore we mixed a few happy colors on the wall for example. The decoration is not finished yet, but well advanced.  A lifetime's not enough to feel to completed of our home decoration. Familiar feeling; do you agree with me?
Now I need a new little table near the sofa, because that is the place where we are reading... Floor lamp or that table with a reading lamp? 
Lighting designer? Oh yes we love it... How many hit Euro style Lighting Coupon has? Check this out!

image via This is Colossal