Saturday, August 1

Fav' thing of the day

New watch series created by the collaboration between ISSEY MIYAKE and Ross Lovegrove.
The ISSEY MIYAKE Watch Project which started in 2001 has invited a British industrial designer, Ross Lovegrove to create its new watch series. The concept of the new watch is “Human”. Made of titanium which is gentle to the skin and non-allergic, the extended case naturally wraps the wrist bone. By tilting the face 25 degrees to the right from the 12-6 direction, it is easier to read the time. In addition, the face is convex in both 12-6 and 3-9 directions, which results in the delicate effect on the dial image. Silicon is used for the band, because it is safe for the human body. With the pursuit of the concept, “human” in both the creation of the form and the use of the material, a new watch is made to fuse the form and materials.
" 'Hu’ simply means human. A clear and pure statement embodied in a timepiece for ISSEY MIYAKE. In many ways it is a fusion between the incredible works of Issey-san, his constant invention, respect for materials and almost spiritual serenity in the way his clothes relate to the human form. It truly is a creative bonding and all my life long feelings about watches as a prosthetic extension of the body, the concept of anatomical contouring and the organic sculptural possibilities of materials that integrate into one single skin.”

The design will be launched on 15 September in Japan, the USA and Europe. - from Ross Lovegrove


  1. Wow. That is gorgeous! I don't normally wear a watch, but I think I'm in love... Swoon!

  2. Anonymous5:54 am CEST

    That is pure art!

  3. i love this watch - what a sleek design!

    also i just cant think of ten interesting things about myself! i tried, but i'm just not that interesting i suppose!

  4. I love watches, and I LOVE that one! So cool! XO

  5. absolutely GORGEOUS... like beyond perfection

  6. milyen letisztult forma! nagyon tetszik!
    szép hétvégét Neked, millió pusz!

  7. E márkában még csak a parfümig jutottam el, minden más még elérhetetlennek tűnik. Maga az óra nagyon szolidnak tűnik, ötletes!

  8. I love how sleek, modern, and futuristic it feels. Fabulous find! :)

  9. Anonymous5:17 pm CEST

    This is so cool! I love the futuristic feel and the silver color. Plus the fact that it's designed to be safe and easy-to-use is great!

  10. hey love! nice watch :):):) very avant garde!

    happy weekend,

  11. Wow, what an absolutely beautiful shape! It really is like wearing sculpture. Hope you're having a lovely weekend dear :)

  12. How cool is that? Love it!


  13. Really cool and interesting design!

  14. Wow, i love that Issey Miyake watch!


  15. Anonymous10:24 pm CEST

    Wow, that's special- but cool.

  16. I go through phases of watch wearing, and have been in a very long phase of not wearing one!! But this is gorgeous. I know I'm a bad person for not passing on your award, but i am doing it!! Promise :) Thank you so much for giving it to me in the first place!!


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